Trenbolone Acetate, also known as Tren A, is a powerful anabolic steroid that is used for cutting, increasing strength gains, and better endurance.
Tren A Dosage:
Beginner: 50mg every other day
Intermediate: 75mg every other day. This can be increased to 100mg every other day depending on tolerance and response.
Advanced: 100mg every other day or even daily injections for those with extensive experience
Cycle Length:
Trenbolone Acetate cycles run for 8 weeks, though some might extend to 10-12 weeks.
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT for Tren A):
Due to Trenbolone’s strong suppression of natural testosterone production. PCT should start about 2-3 days after the last Tren A injection due to its short half-life. A common PCT includes Clomid and/or Nolvadex.