6 Week Oral Only Bulking Cycle Dosage & Protocol:
Dianabol = 3 tablets daily (week 1 to 2)
Dianabol = 5 tablets daily (week 3 to 6)
Anadrol = 1 tablet daily (week 1 to 4)
Letrozol = 1.25 – 2.5mg every other day when feeling estrogenic side effects
*For a more complete cycle, injectables are always recommended. However, if you are unable to use injectables, do not run more than 2 – 3 oral only steroid cycles per year due to the stress on the liver.
PCT Dosage & Protocol:
Start your PCT 2 days after your last Dianabol dose.
Clomid = 2 tablets daily PCT (week 1)
Clomid = 1 tablet daily PCT (week 2 to 4)
Nolvadex = 2 tablets daily (week 1)
Nolvadex = 1 tablet daily (week 2 to 5) (can stop after 4 weeks if you feel it’s enough)
*Please note: The PCT length for this oral only cycles is up to 5 weeks.