About Aromasin:
Aromasin is often used for cycles that include DECA and Tren. It is used to help fight progesterone side effects like: being constantly tiredness, moodiness, loss of sex drive…and in more extreme situations, lactation from the breasts.
Aromasin is an extremely effective and very potent aromatase inhibitor, with a wide variety of uses in regards to Estrogen control. As an aromatase inhibitor, it holds the ability to exert control over literally all of the potential Estrogenic side effects that anabolic steroid users attempt to avoid or eliminate.
Aromasin Dosage:
It is well established that Aromasin is very effective at reducing total Estrogen levels via the inhibition of the aromatase enzyme.
But how much Aromasin is required and how often are factors that are largely dependent on the doses of aromatizable anabolic steroids used, the individual’s sensitivity to aromatase inhibitors, and the rate of aromatization of the anabolic steroids used.
With this being said, the general range of Aromasin doses are 12.5 – 25mg daily. As with all aromatase inhibitors, there is always room for adjustment in relation to the user’s experiences at a particular Aromasin dose and dose frequency.
It is very important to always keep in mind that the use of an aromatase inhibitor is for the purpose of Estrogen control in order to restore circulating Estrogen levels back to normal physiological levels following an increase due to aromatization. (Complete reduction and/or elimination of Estrogen levels often result in negative effects on the body.)
Aromasin Dosage for Increased Endogenous Testosterone Secretion and PCT (Post Cycle Therapy):
It is clear that Aromasin can increase Testosterone levels in males as demonstrated by studies. Boosting the endogenous Testosterone production in men by an impressive 60% is not the only major benefit that Aromasin possesses.
Aromasin also holds additional benefits that essentially make it the ‘king’ aromatase inhibitor for the purpose of HPTA and Testosterone recovery during PCT above all other aromatase inhibitors. The stimulation of endogenous Testosterone secretion is a characteristic common of all aromatase inhibitors and is due to the fact that excess Estrogen will cause a negative feedback loop response of the HPTA to initiate Testosterone suppression.
In addition to generating a considerable increase in endogenous Testosterone output, Aromasin also holds several advantages and effects over other aromatase inhibitors that do not exhibit them. For example, a common attribute of all aromatase inhibitors is the unfortunate effect of altering cholesterol levels in a very negative manner. This is due in large part to the drop in Estrogen levels, as well as the aromatase inhibitor’s actions themselves.
There is one issue with the addition of the other two aromatase inhibitors (Arimidex and Letrozole) in a PCT program that includes the use of SERMs such as Nolvadex and Clomid, which are known as absolutely essential components to a PCT program. The problem here is that Arimidex and Nolvadex both directly counteract one another. One study has demonstrated that when Arimidex is utilized with Nolvadex, nolvadex will decrease blood plasma concentration of Arimidex (as well as Letrozole). The conclusion here is that the use of Arimidex or Letrozole with Nolvadex together is a very bad idea and may work counterproductively if used together in a PCT protocol.
Aromasin completely circumvents this problem, as it has been demonstrated to have no interactions what so ever with Nolvadex.
Aromasin Dosage with Noladex for PCT:
A sufficient Aromasin dosage for PCT would be 25mg daily for no longer than a 2 week period while Nolvadex would be utilized for a total of 4 weeks at 20 – 40mg daily.
When to Take Aromasin:
There are no restrictions regarding the time of the day Aromasin can be taken. You can take it in morning, afternoon or evening…before or after meals.
*One important note to make with Aromasin is that a full week is required before blood plasma levels of Aromasin have reached its optimal peak level.
Example of an Aromasin Protocol During Cycle:
If you notice high estrogen side effects like tender nipples or getting overly emotional.
Start with 12.5mg daily for 1 week. Then if all estrogen symptoms are gone, take 12.5mg every other day (E.O.D.) for one more week. (If the estrogen side effects come back, then take 12.5mg E.O.D. regimen for the full cycle.)
When on Aromasin, it is a good idea to check the estrogen levels so they do not get totally eliminated (which is not good for mental health or physical health).
If you can’t / won’t do a blood test. Then go by your mood and adjust accordingly.