About Arimidex:
Arimidex is traditional used in the medical field for the treatment of various diseases…most notably for breast cancer after menopause. However, bodybuilders on anabolic steroids use Arimidex to block production of estrogen.
It is an aromatase inhibitor (AI), with a variety of applications in estrogen control. As an aromatase inhibitor, it has the ability to exercise control over literally all the potential estrogenic side effects that anabolic steroid users try to avoid or eliminate. The standard protocol (or general rule) for the use of Aromatase inhibitors should be as follows:
1- Try to avoid the use of aromatase inhibitors at all costs…unless absolutely necessary. If the use of an aromatase inhibitor is necessary, use it only when necessary and try the lowest possible dose for estrogen control instead of eliminating estrogen.
2- The use of aromatase inhibitors, whether the three primary AIs (Arimidex, Aromasin and Letrozole) or others, will have adverse effects on the body if used when they are either unnecessary or when used too much or at too high of a dose.
3- Arimidex is not used for the purpose of improving performance, but is used to combat various estrogen related side effects from aromatizable anabolic steroids. In some cases, it may also be used to increase endogenous testosterone secretion in men, allowing it to be used during a PCT (Post Cycle Therapy).
For Estrogen Control During a Cycle:
Arimidex can be used effectively to reduce the levels of circulating estrogen in the body during a cycle that involves the use of aromatizable androgens (anabolic steroids that have an affinity to bind to the aromatase enzyme and undergo aromatization to Estrogen).
Dosage for this purpose covers a very wide range based on the following factors:
- The doses of aromatizable anabolic steroids used
- The individual’s sensitivity to aromatase inhibitors
- The rate of aromatization of the anabolic steroids used
That being said, the general range of doses is 0.5 – 1 mg daily. Each individual should slowly adjust their dose depending on how they feel the body is responding. Even 0.5 mg daily is too much for many anabolic steroids, and often the recommended dose is 0.5 mg every other day for Arimidex.
These doses can be easily adjusted if the user feels that it is not working well enough, or if it reduces estrogen levels too much.
Always remember that the idea of using aromatase inhibitors is to control estrogen levels and bring them back to normal physiological levels…as opposed to completely reducing and / or eliminating them (which may cause problems in the body).
Arimidex Dosage for Increased Endogenous Testosterone Secretion and PCT:
It has been previously mentioned that the use of Arimidex has been shown to increase the endogenous production of testosterone levels in men. This is done through the negative feedback loop of HPTA (Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis), where it has been shown that excess estrogen in men can suppress the production of endogenous testosterone, leading to hypogonadism.
Arimidex, especially in many studies, has been shown to have the ability to raise testosterone levels by reducing estrogen.
Arimidex is an effective adjunct to the necessary increases in testosterone required in the weeks following a cycle. There is a problem with the addition of Arimidex in a PCT program that includes the use of SERMs…such as Nolvadex and Clomid, which are known as absolutely necessary components of a PCT program.
The problem is that Arimidex and Nolvadex both oppose each other directly. A study has shown that when Arimidex is used with Nolvadex, Nolvadex will reduce the blood plasma concentration of Arimidex (as well as Letrozole, another commonly used aromatase inhibitor).
The conclusion here is that the use of Arimidex and Nolvadex together is a bad idea. Therefore, Arimidex used as a PCT component is very limited if used with Nolvadex. Instead, the use of HCG may be more beneficial, but this also presents the problem with the essential component of a SERM for the purpose of lacking endogenous testosterone stimulation.
Therefore, a better aromatase inhibitor choice for PCT is Aromasin (Exemestane), because unlike Arimidex, the effectiveness of Aromasin is not reduced when taken with Nolvadex.
When to Take Arimidex:
There are no restrictions regarding the time of the day Arimidex can be taken. You can take it in the morning, afternoon or evening…before or after meals.
*An important note to make with Arimidex is that a full week (7 days) is required before blood plasma levels of Arimidex have reached their maximum peak level, even if the half-life is approximately 48 hours.
Expectations and Results from Arimidex Dosages:
Arimidex will greatly reduce estrogen levels in individuals, and users must be careful to ensure that their estrogen levels do not fall too low. As estrogen levels decrease, the physique may get more of a harder “grainy” and “torn” appearance due to the loss of water retention provided by estrogen.
This results in very little or no subcutaneous fluid, which will present the underlying muscles more prominently. The only exception to the issue of complete estrogen elimination is in competing bodybuilders who require almost complete elimination of water retention on competition day.
A total reduction in estrogen should not be maintained for more than 48 hours for health reasons.